Sample | : | Photo location 2 | |
Rock name | : | Eclogite (Turner, 1982) |
Megascopic description:
Foliation (distinct), dissolution pores (?) along foliation trend and vuggy pores. Garnet and omphacite.
Microscopic description:
The thin section of eclogite shows the porphyroblastic texture with the garnet as porpyroblasts, anhedral to subhedral in shape, 1.2 – 4.0 mm in crystals size, in the fine to medium groundmass of pyroxene (omphacite), muscovite, glaucophane, quartz, locally kyanite, epidote (zoisite), biotite and sphene, less than 0.7 mm in crystals size, and the shows the heteroblastic texture. The porphyroblastic of garnet usually have inclusion of quartz to form the poikiloblastic texture and the orientation of glaucophane and muskovite present in the some area of thin section to form the discontinued schistosity structure.
Sample: Photo location 2
The thin section of eclogite shows the porphyroblastic texture with the garnet as porpyroblasts, coarse in crystals size, anhedral to subhedral in shape, in the groundmass of pyroxene (omphacite), muscovite, glaucophane, quartz, locally kyanite, epidote (zoisite), biotite and sphene, fine to medium in crystals size.
Sample: Photo location 2
The thin section of eclogite shows the porphyroblastic texture with the garnet as porpyroblasts, coarse in crystals size, anhedral to subhedral in shape, in the groundmass of pyroxene (omphacite), muscovite, glaucophane, quartz, locally kyanite, epidote (zoisite), biotite and sphene.