Greenschist – Location 6

Sample : Photo location 6
  Rock name : Greenschist (Turner, 1982)


Megascopic description:

Strongly foliated rock cut by quartz vein (that seems to deform). Convolute structures can be found in places. Block materials (graphite) and others are long streched similar to mylonite

Microscopic description:

The thin section of greenschist shows the heteroblastic textures, consist of chlorite, quartz, opaque, calcite, and locally epidote, less than 0.3 mm in size. The feldspar grains (plagioclase) sometimes present as blasto-porpyroblasts to form the porpyroblastic texture, anhedral and elongate in crytals shape, up to 0.5 mm in size. The orientation and segregation of granoblastic minerals of quartz and/or opaque and lepidoblastic minerals of chlorite usually present to form the schistosity structure and they folded in the some area of thin section. The veins of calcite present to cut the rock.



Sample: Photo location 6



The thin section of greenschist shows the heteroblastic texture, consist of chlorite, quartz, opaque, calcite, and locally epidote, fine in crystals size. The feldspar grains present as blasto-porpyroblasts, elongate in crytals shape, up to 0.5 mm in size. The schistosity structure is formed by chlorite, quartz, and opaque minerals.


Sample: Photo location 6



The thin section of greenschist shows the heteroblastic texture, consist of chlorite, quartz, opaque, calcite, and locally epidote, fine in crystals size. The veins of calcite present to cut the rock.
