Digital Conferences “Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia”
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to Digital Conferences “Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia”, which will take place on 22 – 23 March 2021. This is a special conference to celebrate Prof. Dr. Ir. Yahdi Zaim Retirement in April 2021. This conference will present and discuss integrative aspects of the fields in which Prof. Yahdi Zaim has been active throughout his career in palaeontology and Quaternary geology. Since the 1990’s Prof. Zaim has been actively involving and developing in palaeontology and Quaternary geology in various locations in Indonesia along with his colleagues and collaborators from Indonesia and abroad. In the educational scope, Prof. Dr. Yahdi Zaim has successfully supervised and graduated more than 80 students both in geology in general and in other more specific fields.
This important event is the principal opportunity for Prof. Zaim’s colleagues as well as current and former students to honor his career and mark his role in the development of the branch of palaeontology and Quaternary geology in Indonesia. Presentations at this conference will be divided into 3 sessions in which he actively developed, namely: “Human Palaeontology and Geoarchaeology”, “General Palaeontology” and “Quaternary Geology and Sedimentology” (Tentative program is attached in the poster).
This conference is open for public, the admission is free of charge and we very much hope that you are interested to participate. For registration to the conference, please fill in and submit the online form ( until 20 March 2021. The conference will take place online by using Zoom platform. You will receive a confirmation by email a day prior to the conference, together with the link for abstract book. E-certificate will be available for participants by request. For any questions and inquiries regarding to this conference, please email us at
We very much look forward seeing you in this conference.
Kind regards,
Aswan and Mika Rizki Puspaningrum
Paleontology and Quaternary Geology Research Group, Bandung Institute of Technology
This conference is organized by:
Geological Engineering Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology
FOSI- Indonesia Sedimentologist Forum, Indonesian Association of Geologist (IAGI)
And supported by:
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology
Ikatan Alumni Teknik Geologi ITB
Indonesian Association of Geologist (IAGI)
Antam-PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. Indonesia