New abstract | (Reusable) data is the new “oil”
Abstrak berikut ini telah dikirimkan ke ICENIS UNDIP, ditulis oleh:
Staf dosen FITB: Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Dr. Astyka Pumpuni, bekerjasama dengan
Mahasiswa S3: Yuniarti Ulfa, ST., MT. dan Indra Andra Dinata, ST., MT, serta
Dr. Thomas Triadi Putranto (Universitas Diponegoro) dan Dr. Hari Siswoyo (Universitas Brawijaya).

Dasapta Erwin Irawan1,*, Yuniarti Ulfa1, Astyka Pamumpuni1, Indra Andra Dinata1, Thomas Tri Putranto3, and Hari Siswoyo3
1Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Bandung
2Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
3Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya
Data is the new oil is the jargon of the 21st century, which has been widely promoted in the Global North Countries. Such movement has not been widely echoed in some parts of the globe. Although some initiatives like,,, and should have been acknowledged and appreciated. The status of reusable data availability in most countries, especially in Indonesia remains low, despite the relative technology readiness (in 2014) is higher than other SE Asian and African countries, and the release of Public Information Disclosure Act in 2008. One of the indicators is very low reusable data sharing in Indonesian research and academic environment, in contrast to the fact that Indonesia publishes the most open access journals. Researchers would literally scratch their way for reusable data from previous researches before they decided to replotted or retyped the available data. Such inefficiency would circle back when the later researchers also would not share their data in reusable form. The principle of transparency and build upon previous knowledge would never be met in akin situation. We need to educate more stakeholders on the benefits of reusable data and how to share them. For only then we get to say that Data is the new “meaningful oil”, especially when dealing with achieving sustainable development goals.
Keywords: open data, reusability, sustainable development goals